I am a Post-Doctoral Researcher with the statistical sciences group at Los Alamos National Lab working on methods for improved explosion monitoring, as well as model/prior selection for Bayesian Neural Networks. My objective after finishing my Post-Doc assignment is to find a research position that allows for a good mix of opportunities to continue applying statistical methods to problems utilizing real data, collaborate with a group of outstanding peers, share what I have learned, and has great access to the outdoors for daily hikes with my dog, backpacking, and skiing.
PhD in Mining Engineering, May 2022
Virginia Tech
M.S. in Mining Engineering, 2015
Virginia Tech
B.S. in Mining Engineering, 2014
Virginia Tech
Topics: Bayesian mass balancing of a separation process, using a Bayesian time series to analyze process steady state, Bayesian Optimization of a process with unknown dynamics, and active learning acquisition of process simulator data for calibration and prediction.
Thanks to those that attended the MPD: Chemical Processing: Modeling, Simulation, and Machine Learning for Hydrometallurgy sub session! The slides for Gaussian Process Modeling of Hydrometallurgical Separations with Uncertain Dynamics can be found here.
It’s been a busy summer and early fall. Earlier in the year I submitted an entry to the Society of Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration Mineral Processing Division Short Video Contest titled Optimization of a Metallurgical Process with Uncertain Dynamics.
Publication in Minerals Engineering overviewing the statistical theory and models available in the BayesMassBal
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