SME 2022 Presentations

Thanks to those that attended the MPD: Chemical Processing: Modeling, Simulation, and Machine Learning for Hydrometallurgy sub session!

The slides for Gaussian Process Modeling of Hydrometallurgical Separations with Uncertain Dynamics can be found here.

The slides for Bayesian Mass Balancing of Hydrometallurgical Processes can be found here here.

Additionally, take a look at the BayesMassBal vignette and publication to learn how to conduct a Bayesian mass balance on your data.

Feel free to get in contact with me for any questions you may have, or if you are unable to access The utility of Bayesian data reconciliation for separations publication.

Scott Koermer
Scott Koermer
Post-Doctoral Researcher

Post doctoral researcher at Los Alamos National Lab with the statistical sciences and geophysics groups working on nuclear detonation detection. Previous research includes applying Bayesian statistical methods to separation processes, concentration of rare earth elements from acid mine drainage, and analysis of processes for scrap metal recycling.
