Introducing the BayesMassBal Package for R

Trace Plots for Posterior Distribution Draws

The BayesMassBal (V. 0.2.0) package, used for Bayesian data reconciliation of a chemical or particulate process, is now available from CRAN.

The purpose of this package is to make the advantages Bayesian data reconciliation more accessible to students, professionals, and educators. The BayesMassBal package includes functions making it easy for users to organize data, specify linear constraints, and implement Bayesian data reconciliation models.

The site for the package contains the package manual, and an example vignette. The first step to get started is type


into the R console. Development versions of the BayesMassBal package can be downloaded directly from github using the devtools package:


If there are features, examples, or extra documentation you would like to see included in this package, please contact me or comment below.

The idea for this package did not come out of thin air, more on Bayesian Data reconciliation forthcoming…

Scott Koermer
Scott Koermer
Post-Doctoral Researcher

Post doctoral researcher at Los Alamos National Lab with the statistical sciences group. During my time at Los Alamos I have worked on explosion monitoring applications as well as model/prior selection for Bayesian Neural Networks. Much of my research in the past 6 years has focused on applying Bayesian methods to scientific and engineering applications, including modeling processes for optimizing the recovery of critical minerals from waste streams.
